Monday, 2 January 2012

11 Twitter essentials that you need to keep in mind if you are wanting to use it as a business and marketing tool?

1. Start Building A Follower Base In Your Niche
This is maybe the most important place to start if you want to use the full power of Twitter to promote your blog, website or content. There are a few ways to do this but a tool that has come back into favor with me is Twellow (it used to run like a dog) but it seems they have tweaked their software and decided to get hosting servers that actually have some real processing horsepower behind the website and it now seems to perform quickly and efficiently without having to go away and make a cup of coffee. On you can look up all sorts of  categories and then start following the top people in that category from within Twellow itself.
2. Engage with Top People In Your Niche
This is important as you gain some credibility in the gang and the Alpha geeks might even start tweeting your content to their vast tribe and give you a leg up in the content distribution game. There are many ways to do this  but one sneaky way to do this is to retweet their posts another is to write glowingly about them in a blog post and then tweet it it to them.
3. Select A Twitter Tool To Manage Twitter
Now managing the stream of tweets that can turn into a torrent is important as your follower numbers build. The tool I did use was Tweetdeck but I found it became slow and started freezing on me ( by the way I have heard that is working well now) so I have changed over to Hootsuite which I think is a smarter platform after having used it for the past few months.
4. Promote Your Content To Your Twitter Gang
You have taken all the effort to write, video or record content that is intelligent and insightful. As the old book says “Don’t hide your light under a bushel”  get your content out there so you can be discovered. So start pimping!!  One tool that I have found useful that schedules my content promotion is professional version.
5. Place A Link On Your Twitter Page
I don’t know how many times I have gone to a Twitter site and tried to find where their home base is and their is no link on their Twitter account. Even if you don’t have a blog or website yet put in your LinkedIn or Facebook site
6. Include Your Location
Social media is about being yourself and being transparent and real so knowing where you are from is important too help people connect.
7. Upload A Personal Photo
I see a lot of  bizarre images as Twitter images that front a personal brand that makes it hard to let people engage with you. Unless you have an image that only a mother would love or built for radio it is important to use a personal photo.
9. Tweet Relevant Content
Content that is relevant to your followers is essential if you are wanting to provide value so tweet content from your own blog and content sources as well as others is essential.  Tweeting about how to bake a cake when your followers are keen on golfing is going to leave your tweets friendless and untouched.
10. Learn To Write Headlines
You have 140 characters to get someone’s attention so they will click on your link. It can be learned so spend some time boning up on the essentials.
Read more:
11. Don’t Change Your Photo!
Changing your socks on regular basis is good for maintaining friendships but changing your photo gets me confused in fact I have not recognized people on Twitter for months that I felt close to because they changed their photo. It is your Twitter brand so think twice before rebranding.
So what have I left out?

7 Langkah Mudah Memulai Bisnis di Internet

7 Langkah Mudah Memulai Bisnis di Internet (Bisnis Online), yaitu:

  1. Tentukan Product Jual terlebih dahulu. Dan saran saya lebih baik sesuai dengan hobby.
  2. Cari Informasi mengenai Pesaing dan Peminat untuk Product yang akan Anda Jual.
  3. Mulai Take Action dengan memilih cara berjualan menggunakan secara Professional yaitu menyewa Domain dan Hosting serta Pembuatan Website atau menggunakan Free seperti,,, dan lainnya.
  4. Siapkan Sistem Cara Pembayaran, Cara Pelanggan/Konsumen menghubungi Anda.
  5. Promosikan Bisnis Online Anda. Bisa dengan dengan Kartu nama, Word of Mouth, Iklan di Internet atau BLOG Anda/teman.
  6. Jaga Kepercayaan Bisnis Online Anda dengan menjaga Kualitas dan Kejujuran adalah Kunci Utama dari Berbisnis di Internet. Misalnya pengiriman barang yang tepat waktu sesuai dengan yang dijanjikan atau kualitas barang yang sama seperti pada gambar, Update Informasi dan sebagainya.
  7. Bangun Branding Bisnis Online Anda dengan meningkatkan Layanan Konsumen, Minta Feedback/Testimonial dari setiap pembeli yang sudah transaksi, dan sebagainya
Dengan 7 Langkah Mudah Memulai Bisnis di Internet ini, sekarang Anda sudah dapat memiliki dan bangun Bisnis Online sendiri

Peran Ortu Agar Anak Berprestasi di Sekolah

SEKOLAHDASAR.NET (14/09/2011) Sekolah menjadi tempat belajar bagi anak. Sekolah memberikan serangkaian materi untuk mengasah dan mengembangkan kemampuannya. Di sekolah juga terjadi proses pendewasaan untuk anak. Namun sekolah bukan satu-satunya tempat untuk mendidik anak, masih ada keluarga dan lingkungan masyarakat. Kunci keberhasilan anak di sekolah tidak hanya karena guru saja, tetapi ada orang tua yang turut ikut serta. Pendidikan yang baik adalah melibatkan orang dewasa yaitu orang tua. Jika orang tua terlibat langsung dalam pendidikan anak di sekolah maka prestasi anak akan meningkat. Dibalik anak yang selalu berprestasi dan menamatkan pendidikannya dengan baik ada orang tua yang selalu mendukung.

Berikut beberapa yang harus dilakukan orang tua agar anak bisa berprestasi di sekolah:
1. Perhatian orang tua.
Orang tua sebaiknya memberikan perhatian pada anaknya, memberikan pengalaman dan pemahaman tentang nilai dan tujuan pendidikan. Ada usaha dari orang tua mengetahui perkembangan anak di sekolah, misalnya dengan berkunjung ke sekolah atau mengetahui lingkungan sekolah. Orang tua memberikan sarana dan mendukung minat anak, sehingga akan berkembang kemampuan anak selain itu juga akan berpengaruh pada aktivitas anak di sekolah.

2. Kerja sama dengan guru.
Sebaiknya orang tua mengenal dan menjalin hubungan yang baik dengan guru. Orang tua menunjukkan sikap bahwa pendidikan itu penting untuk anak untuk kehidupannya. Hadiri setiap undangan ke sekolah, karena saat itu orang tua bisa berkomunikasi dengan guru. Menanyakan perkembangan anaknya dan mengetahui prestasi belajar anak. Jangan menunggu setelah terjadi masalah pada anak baru menghubungi guru. Informasikan juga mengenai anak Anda jika berada di rumah kepada gurunya.

3. Menyediakan waktu untuk anak
Akan lebih baik jika setiap pulang sekolah anak bisa langsung bertemu dengan orang tuanya. Pada saat pulang ke rumah biasanya anak membawa beban pikiran baik itu karena pelajaran atau hubungan dengan teman. Anak suka bercerita tentang apa yang terjadi di sekolah, mengeluarkan beban dan keluhan kepada orang tua. Misalnya jika anak menceritakan kenakalan teman orang tua bisa langsung memberikan pengertian dan bimbingan.

4. Awasi kegiatan belajar anak di rumah.
Orang tua bisa mengingatkan anak untuk belajar, membuat jadwal kegiatan, menanyakan apakah ada PR dan sudah mengerjakannya. Orang tua bisa mengendalikan kegitan anak yang kurang bermanfaat, misalnya membatasi menonton tv atau bermain game. Periksalah buku-buku anak Anda.

5. Ajarkan Disiplin dan Tanggung Jawab
Berlakukan disiplin dan tegas tapi dengan penuh kasih sayang. Jika orang tua selalu menuruti keinginan anak akan membuat mereka manja dan tidak bertanggung jawab. Biasanya di sekolah anak diberikan tugas untuk dikerjakan di rumah. Ajarkan anak untuk mengejarkan tugasnya sendiri. Selain itu berikan pekerjaan rumah secara rutin, misalnya menyapu halaman dan sebagainya. Disiplin dan tanggung jawab akan menjadi kunci sukses anak di masa depan.

6. Jaga Kesehatan anak.
Berikan gizi yang seimbang bagi anak. Dengan keadaan anak yang sehat akan membuatnya mudah dalam menerima pelajaran. Ajak untuk berolah raga secara teratur bersama keluarga. Atur istirahat anak secara teratur. Hindari makanan cepat saji, selain tidak baik untuk kesehatan anak juga berpengaruh pada konsentrasi atau kecerdasan anak.

Jadilah teman yang baik bagi anak, berikan banyak waktu yang banyak untuk anak. Keberhasilan dalam mendidik anak banyak dipengaruhi oleh peran orang tua. Menjalin komunikasi yang baik dengan anak dan guru di sekolah.

copy paste from:

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Four Ways QR Codes Could Revolutionize Education

Quick Response (QR) codes are beginning to pop up on city buses, in museum exhibits, and just about anywhere people need easy access to information. But we're only beginning to scratch the surface of how they can be used to improve the formal educational experience. As the number of Americans, particularly students, with smartphones continues to grow, here are four ways QR codes could revolutionize learning in the next decade.
1. Digital portfolios for students. Imagine if all students were assigned a QR code at the beginning of the school year—or even the start of their educational career? Every year, instead of putting that student's assignments or projects into a manila file folder that gets sent home (and oftentimes chucked in the trash) the teacher could upload a few examples of papers, projects, tests and quizzes to the QR code. The code could also include links to student videos, blog posts or other multimedia projects. That QR code-portfolio could then be printed on the student's report card, so that the grade becomes about more than just one single letter.
2. Connecting with parents. Teachers could create their own individual QR code that includes links to classroom goals, behavior expectations and other pertinent information, and send the code home with students. The teacher could even include sample questions the parent might want to ask their child about the class, thus equipping the parent with the knowledge she needs to have a conversation with their child about what they're doing in school. On back-to-school night or during open house, teachers could post QR codes throughout the classroom. Once a parent scans the code, they'd be digitally whisked to explanations of the curricula being used or of student work displayed in the classroom. Sure, the teacher could accomplish all of this with print-outs, but scanning with a QR code is definitely more eco-friendly.
3. Engaging students. Many K-12 schools ban smartphones, but as their potential as a learning tool starts to be better understood, they could end up working well with QR codes. At both the K-12 and college level, the number of textbooks featuring QR codes is sure to grow. And teachers and professors could hand out an assignment or study guide with a QR code printed on it. Once students scan it, they could be taken to additional resources or activities.
4. Easing the transition to college. This year the University of Illinois jumped on the QR code bandwagon and started using them to help acclimate incoming freshman. QR codes are scattered throughout the campus, and when a student scans one, they're taken to campus maps, videos, and other resources. The codes also connected students to the school's Facebook and Twitter feeds—a smart move since connected students are less likely to drop out.
Since QR codes are so new, it's hard to imagine all the ways education institutions will be using them in the years to come. But given the possibilities these black-and-white squares of data present, they just might revolutionize the way we learn.

30 seconds to getting more Twitter visitors to your blog

To get visits and retweets from a tweet, the best headline for a blog post is often a compelling summary of what the post is about. Giving the “sizzle AND the steak” in a tweet is one great technique to get people to check out what you’ve written.
Surprisingly, many writers DO write a compelling summary of their blog post, but DON’T use it in the headline. Even more surprisingly, I’ve found that many writers don’t even realize that the best headline is buried somewhere in the blog post, but see it when it’s pointed out to them.

30 seconds to writing better tweets about your blog post

So, to get more visitors to your blog when you write a tweet about a blog post, read your blog post and look for the most compelling summary of what your post is about. I’ve found that it is typically in one of three places:
  1. One of the first three sentences
  2. One of the last three sentences
  3. About 2/3 of the way into the blog post, after the writer begins to “hit their stride.”
Generally the statement will jump out at you (if there is a good one). And in just 30 seconds you’ve found a better headline to use in your tweet to get more visitors to your blog!
Here’s an example: @GourmetGuyMag wrote a nice piece, and about 2/3 of the way into the article put a few words in caps. I used a phrase from that partially capitalized sentence as the headline I tweeted:
  • ORIGINAL TITLE: “Some Twitter Common Sense For Brands”
  • FOUND STATEMENT: “Twitter is not 140-character billboard, it’s a chance to interact & listen.”
Often you can ask yourself this question “Is there a statement I can make that readers will nod their heads at when they read it?” If so, that is often a good statement to base the content of your tweet around. Sometimes you can easily rewrite once you see the statement. Here are some examples, building on “Twitter is not 140-character billboard, it’s a chance to interact & listen:”
  1. SIMPLE REWRITE: “Quit using Twitter as a 140-character billboard! You’re missing a great chance to interact & listen:”
  2. CONCEPT SUMMARY: “Twitter is a great place to interact and listen. So why do so many use it just to tweet ads?”
  3. ADD AN ANGLE: “How to be beat your competition: Use Twitter to interact and listen…instead of just tweeting ads.”
Does this really work? How often?
I’ve found that around 1 in 3 of the posts we tweet I can easily rewrite to get a higher RCEF(Retweets/Clicks (visits)/Engagement (comments-conversation)/Favorites learn more about this) by simply looking for a key statement within the blog post. Some folks whose writings we’ve tweeted a lot of over the years have credited us with making them much better headline writers, simply by using this simple tip.
Having tweeted thousands of other people’s blog posts over the years, I’ve found this is the single biggest factor in getting a higher RCEF from tweets.

Other techniques

One of the most common headline writing techniques is to take what you have already written and make it more compelling, challenging or controversial. So ”Some Twitter Common Sense For Brands” could be changed to something such as “How brands alienate their Twitter customers…and what they should do instead.” For many more tips, see “What makes a Tweet great?
But if you’ve found that the most compelling summary of your blog post is somewhere in the middle, also consider rewriting your post by moving to the end (or eliminating) most of what you have written that comes before your compelling summary. Often it is information that is more interesting to you than to your readers. Readers visiting your blog after clicking a link in a Tweet often want the information “meat” of what you’re writing about. Setting the stage, giving backstory or providing detailed contest can often be done after you give them the main information.
Often, the writer goes through stages like this
  1. Explaining why they’ve been thinking about this or providing context or backstory
  2. Giving examples or working up their emotions
  3. Making a statement such as But you really need to realize is this: [Insert Tweet Statement Here]
Sometimes, you can tell that they’ve done this, but they gone back and edited it to put their main statement in the first few sentences, but still left the headline too cryptic or ho-hum.